Welcome to the Store!
As a brief disclaimer: Please understand that each unit is handmade, and may have some slight imperfections. I’ve spent the better part of a year making the process free of variables, so they’ll all be roughly the same, but that doesn’t account for how the iBook started. 20 year old plastic is brittle, and I’m constantly creating new mounts, fixing structural issues, etc, and hoping that it all fits back together, but cracks, scuffs, and other imperfections are to be expected. All units are sold as-is, and I’ll do my best to answer questions, but tutorials, walk-throughs, and FAQ will be posted here, and on my TikTok channel. Thanks for being here!
I will be posting converted iBooks that are DONE and ready to be shipped below!

Restocking happens on the 1st and the 15th of every month. They sell out quick, so sign up for the newsletter and/or waitlists so you can get alerted when more pop up in the shop!
The Apple Turnover Storefront
Out of stock? Click on your desired product/color and join the waitlist!
Let me notify you when I make a new iBook or restock!